Diablo 3 season 21 monk build
Diablo 3 season 21 monk build

diablo 3 season 21 monk build

Flying around detonating everything with Wave of Light is our specialty. Since this is one of the best speed builds in Diablo 3, this is where we belong. Cain’s Destiny: For 25% more Greater Rift Keystone s.Sage’s Journey: For double Death’s Breath s.Gloves of Worship: For 10 Minute Shrine Buffs.Ring of Royal Grandeur: To complete our sets.Avarice Band: For the insane pickup radius.Nemesis Bracers: For extra Elites, Death’s Breath s and In-geom procs.The Flavor of Time: For double duration on Pylons.Intelligence > Vitality > Life % > Armor > All Resistance > Life Per Hit > Attack Speed. Stat Priorities:Since we do not have the immortality focus, we need to stack survivability on our Enchantress. This will give us Cooldown Reduction, Elemental Damage, Reduced Damage from Ranged Attacks, Armor, Attack Speed, and a Cheat Death. Since this is T16 content, she’ll stay alive with Esoteric Alteration and Mutilation Guard and use Hand of the Prophet to gain all skills. Attack Speed (T16) / Area Damage (Push)įor T16 we recommend this Enchantress setup because she is the only follower that gives Cooldown Reduction, allowing you to spam your abilities more. Incense Torch of the Grand Temple ( Cubed)Ģ. Ring of Royal Grandeur completes our Sunwuko and Captain Crimson's Trimmingsset bonuses.The slow is significant because it's applied before the damage is calculated, letting us always get full benefit from Bane of the Trapped. Pinto's Pride makes Wave of Light slow enemies by 80% and increases its damage by 150%.

diablo 3 season 21 monk build

Tzo Krin's Gaze gives up to 150% Wave of Light damage, and allows us to cast WoL where our mouse cursor is.Incense Torch of the Grand Temple cuts the cost of Wave of Light in half and gives it 550% increased damage.Vengeful Wind is mandatory as it gives us 10 extra stacks of Sweeping Wind providing us a 15,000% multiplier due to the Sunwuko (6 ) Bonus.Captain Crimson's Trimmings (3 ) Bonus increases our damage by our Cooldown Reduction percentage and decreases our damage taken by our Resource Cost Reduction percentage.Captain Crimson's Trimmings (2 ) Bonus gives 20% Cooldown Reduction and Resource Cost Reduction.Sunwuko (6 ) Bonus gives 1500% increased damage for each Sweeping Wind stack for a total of 19,500% thanks to Vengeful Wind.Sunwuko (2 ) Bonus gives 50% damage reduction when Sweeping Wind is active.

Diablo 3 season 21 monk build